I've been hit with the jealousy monster lately. Know that feeling? You're doing your thing, content with the steps you've been making, when all of a sudden BAM--someone else's success knocks you down. Causes you to rethink everything you've ever done and everything you're currently doing. And wonder--why aren't I there yet?
That's where I am. That's where I've been. And man, is it hard to quell those feelings. Because I want to rejoice in others' successes! WANT to. But STRUGGLE to. For some reason, when I'm hit with others' successes, I suddenly fear there's now less of "it" to achieve. That they've got a portion of "it," making it harder for me to get "it" too. But that's silly, isn't it? Success doesn't look like that. There's no limit to success. There's no elite that can only achieve it. There's no "some for you" and "none for others." Instead, there is hard work. Determination. Perseverance. And timing. Timing can get you down. Timing is elusive and confusing. Timing is something you can't buy. Something you can't take a class in. Timing is mysterious. And I'm having to remind myself over and over again that even if it's not my time, that doesn't define my gifts. If it's someone else' time, that doesn't belittle my journey. Or my work. Or my talent. It just means it's their time. And I want to rejoice in that. Anyone else struggle with this? I'd love to hear how we can lift each other up!
I love this idea of #writershelpingwriters. Especially in a field that is often lonely and quiet. (Though, I think most writers prefer it that way. Ironic, I suppose!) We are on such different journeys as writers. We have received varied advice; write with varying styles; work in various ways. So why not share with each other?
I'm working on a monthly guest series, where other writers will share whatever it is they want to share--about the journey, about the craft, about the writer's life. If this interests you as a writer, I'd love to feature you! I'm thinking of launching it on the last Friday of every month. What say you? Let me know if you're interested! How many of you are glad January is over? I wasn't too overwhelmed with the month (thankfully), but I loved the tweets that talked about how long January felt. ("We're now in the third month of January" and "30 days has September, April, June, and November, all the rest have 31, except for...January which has about seven...hundred when will this...awful month end" being two of my favorites.)
Figured it was the perfect time to check-in with my goals for the year. While I've shared with you my practical goals for 2018, I haven't yet shared my word of the year with you! (For the past few years, I've picked a word--a theme, per say--that I hope to live by.) This year? DAILY. How I arrived at this word had much to do with my three major goals for 2018--finish my first draft; grow healthy habits; and make some medical/health changes. Together with a newfound grief from losing my Dad, I needed a word that helped me focus on small victories. Looking at these goals big picture--all under the heaviness of grief--seemed daunting. I was almost setting myself up to fail. But. If I could look at each goal I wanted to accomplish, and approach it with a one-day-at-a-time mindset, each seemed manageable. Enjoyable, even. If I mess up one day, that's OK. Tomorrow is a new day. A new day to succeed. To grow. To write. To love. To grieve. And I truly believe that's how God calls us to live. I saw it in my parents, as my Dad was suffering from Pancreatic Cancer. He and my Mom chose to live each day as it came. To enjoy the good days. To not project their fears but to trust in God's goodness. Because he promises to give us what we need. Each. Day. He gave them joy through the suffering. He gave them peace through the pain. If he can do that in the last days of someone's life, he can sure do it in mine. So, daily. How have I been doing with my goals then? All right. Not perfect, but that's OK. I joined a gym and have worked out at least 2-3 times per week so far. Chosen healthy eating habits (most days). I've gone rogue a few weekends--and could sit and beat myself up over it--but I'm choosing to focus on DAILY victories. Not overwhelming (or unrealistic) goals. I'm into ACT TWO of my draft. Have I written every day? No. But I've been loving it extra these past few weeks. My joy and passion of writing has flourished, and I don't take that lightly. I'm making changes in medications. And while I won't go into that too much, I will say that my body has been going through severe withdrawal symptoms. It's been rough. Tough for me. Tough for my husband. God is truly breaking me down this year--and I'm finally understanding there is good in that. There you have it. I'd love to know some of your 2018 goals--or your yearly word! The more encouragement we have, the more successful we can be, yeah? Thanks for reading, as always. |
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February 2020